COVID Updates

We follow the guidance of the ELCA, the CDC, and the City of Chicago as we make decisions affirming the well being of our neighbors. 

Our Safety Protocols 

Our custodial staff is working hard to ensure that the rooms and facilities at Ebenezer are kept clean, sanitized and in good condition. Anyone entering the buildings for any period of time is required to wear a suitable mask that covers both nose and mouth. 

Gatherings and Modifications

In-Person Worship

Here's what to expect for our Worship experience, barring any changes in gathering restrictions:

  1. Worship liturgy at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Note: Masks are welcome. Please plan to sign-in with contact information upon your arrival.

  2. Sunday School - indoors and in-person at 9:45 a.m. in the Education Center (below the Sanctuary)

  3. Livestream of the service on our YouTube channel “Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Chicago” recording posted later.

  4. Communion is distributed during the liturgy. Those who prefer may come for communion pickup, immediately following the service until 11:30 a.m.

  5. We ask all those who are not fully vaccinated to prayerfully consider delaying attendance in person.

Group Meetings

All requests for group meetings AND use of spaces by individuals must be reviewed and approved by the Building Coordinator and may be reviewed by the Community Hospitality team. 

To request use of a space, please visit the Rentals page and complete the request form.

Our Protocol Planning Guidelines

The Council has approved the following: 

When the positivity rate in the city of Chicago is 5% to 8%, gatherings of up to 10 people may be permitted on a case-by-case basis. The following requirements will be in effect:

1. Gatherings of no more than 10 people at a time, physically distanced in the courtyard or playlot.

2. Groups of fewer than 10 people may request (including smaller tutoring groups), via our Rentals Request Form, to meet in the Dining Room, Gym, Playlot, or Auditorium for Parish meetings and activities. Requests will be vetted by the Community Hospitality Committee on a case by case basis. The groups must wear masks, be limited to ten people, and be scheduled so proper cleaning measures can take place. All drinking fountains will be disabled and cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will be placed in each area scheduled to be in use. 

3. Staff and volunteers continue to work primarily remotely, but may request to work in the building at pre-scheduled times, to avoid clustering in small spaces. Masks will be required while working.

4. Tenants in groups of less than 10 may submit requests using the same procedure as number 2 in this section.

When the City of Chicago positivity rate is below 5%, gatherings may be permitted with the following requirements in effect:

1. Groups, including tenants, of 30 people or less may request, via the Building Coordinator, to meet in the Dining Room, Gym, Playlot, or Auditorium for meetings and activities. Requests will be vetted by the Community Hospitality Committee on a case-by-case basis. The groups must wear masks, be limited to 30 people, and be scheduled so proper cleaning measures can take place. All drinking fountains will be disabled and cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will be placed in each area.

2. Face masks and 6-foot physical distancing remain a requirement in all parts of the building and the number of people in a space will be determined by the ability to distance, not a flat number of 30. 

3. Singing and eating are not allowed in the building until authorized by Council. 

4. Use of the courtyard or playlot requires masks, physical distancing and no more than 50 people in the courtyard or playlot at a time.

5. Staff returns to working in the building more regularly, but with masks and physical distancing.

6. Custodial and maintenance staff will be scheduled based on need.

7. Pastoral care remains primarily online, but mask-required home visits may resume as deemed pastorally necessary and safe.

8. The Council may give special authorization for groups of up to 50 within the buildings.



What’s Happening Online?

Online Holy Communion and Coffee Hour (link provided in the weekly newsletter)

Weekly Bible Study

ECT Youth Group

ECT Young Adults Group

And many more!

Is my group meeting?

Your group may be meeting online. Check the calendar of events for details or contact your group organizer.

I’m a group organizer, how do I host my group?

Ebenezer members can request to schedule a virtual meeting using the Ebenezer Zoom or GoogleMeet accounts. Request a meeting spot via the Rentals form.

Are any groups meeting in-person at Ebenezer?

Yes, but some have transitioned to meeting virtually and some have become hybrid activities. Please contact your meeting organizer for details.

It is because of members and neighbors like you, we are able to serve our community. Thank you for centuries of support.