2021-2022 Tutoring and Mentoring Program

Ebenezer’s tutoring program emerges from COVID isolation with a new format and new energy. Special thanks go out to all the tutors who have continued to be virtual tutors since March 2020 and support the tutoring families in many ways.  

This year tutoring students will meet at different times allowing for more social distancing and a calmer environment.

You can help this volunteer program in several different ways. 

1.      Beginning Sept. 9 at 4:00 p.m. children in grades 1-8 will meet in the dining room for a snack and to work on homework and skill building. This group will be masked, observe social distancing and leave for home by 5:30 p.m. If you would enjoy working with the same child in this age group each week, there is a place for you.

2.     Students in grades 7-12 and their tutors will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the dining room for a light meal and tutoring from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This group will be open to those who are vaccinated and masks will not be required. Students at this age need academic help, mentoring and time from a caring adult.

3.     If you enjoy meal preparation, tutoring needs your skills! Teens and tutors coming from school and work need a meal before going back to work. This group will be no larger than 35 individuals.  Some meal providers cook a meal in the Ebenezer kitchen, while others bring in food or arrange for delivery.  Special thanks to Anne Goeltzer who returns to coordinate the meal schedule. Contact Anne at annegoeltzer@gmail.com  to sign up for Thursday dates that fit your schedule.

4.     Substitute tutoring is a great option if you are too busy at times but still want to help.  Substitutes can volunteer for the age group they prefer. Tutor absences are a reality and substitutes are essential. Often notification is very last minute (same week or same day).

Contact Norm Dynneson to volunteer for tutoring and to ask any questions.

Norm:  773-218-8729 or normdynneson64@gmail.com

First Dates to Note

August 19 

6:00 p.m.  Tutors and substitutes meet in the dining room at for a light meal and a required orientation meeting.

7:00 p.m.  Students and parents join for ice cream, reconnecting with old friends and completing registration and paperwork for the new year.

September 9

A new tutoring year begins at 4:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. in the dining room


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