2021 Annual Meeting Recap

The Annual Church Congregational Meeting took place on January 24, 2021.  It was the first time that it was ever held virtually via Ebenezer’s Zoom account.  

The meeting began with a prayer and a quorum of members was established very soon after the meeting’s commencement.  Council President Chris Korn led the meeting.  The first order of business was the approval of Ebenezer’s 2021 Budget.  There were two budgets that were proposed by the Council.  The first proposal showed us ending the year with a budget deficit of $22,500.  The second option was a balanced budget that would be achieved by reducing what was given to the Synod from 10% to around 4% and delaying boiler loan payments to the Endowment until 2022.  The was robust discussion regarding the budget options, which quickly demonstrated overwhelming support for a deficit budget with full payments to the Synod.  Dennis Sall gave an update on the Ebenezer’s Endowment and he reported that the Endowment’s investments have done well over the past year.  Benevolence gifts to the Endowment also contributed to its growth.  The congregation approved the deficit budget with the thought that the Council will do a mid-year study to determine if another Congregational meeting will be necessary to discuss the budget.

There was discussion around Stewardship and member giving.  Ebenezer’s new website was also featured.  

Pastor Michael gave an update on all of the accomplishments Ebenezer has made despite being in the middle of a global pandemic and with worship services being only online.  He thanked those who have contributed so much to making that happen every week.  He thanked the congregation for being so adaptive and willing to accept new ways of doing things.  The fact that we ended 2020 with a small surplus budget was a testament to everyone’s efforts.  Pastor Michael encouraged everyone to read the 2020 Book of Reports to see all of the wonderful things our various Ministries accomplished last year despite the Covid-19 Pandemic.  

Pastor Michael looked ahead to the eventual easing of restrictions, the re-starting of Communion pick-up and eventually the return to full in-person worship together in 2021.  Chris thanked Pastor Michael, Pastor Emily, Intern Dan Beirne, John Elmquist and Rick Stuckey for their herculean efforts in making online Worship happen every week and for the uplifting and engaging content.  

There is much to hope for in 2021.


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