Call for Volunteers - Communications Team

We are looking for a group of 4-8 volunteers to work collaboratively as the newly formed Communications Team.

The Communication Team provides volunteer support to the administrative staff in the collection, preparation and distribution of information to the Ebenezer community utilizing the website, email messages, and printed materials. 

The commitment is approximately 2 hours per week, on a rotation. We have no expectations about age or experience, only reliability!

What does this look like?

Ebenezer’s communications have 4 primary forms: 

  • Website information

  • Messenger newsletter

  • e-Benezer weekly messages, mid-week announcements and notices

  • Postcards and printed signs

We use all of these tools to stay connected as a community. 

In order to support the administrative staff (whose time is very limited), this group of volunteers helps to keep all the ducks in a row and on-time.

How do we do this?

About Helping with the Website

  • We have a Squarespace website and 20 short how-to videos made especially for our design and set-up.

  • Volunteers in this group: 

    • make edits and new additions to the website like new Updates posts for activities, events, news announcements and so on for general upkeep of website information. 

    • create new Updates posts for online services, e-Benezer and Messenger items as needed and provide the links for the email messages. (No experience necessary. 

    • No experience necessary - Commitment: ~2 hours a week, on a rotation.

About Helping with the Messenger and email-based messages

  • We use Constant Contact to send all our newsletters and the Messenger is prepared in Adobe InDesign.

  • All our emails use specific templates, so whether you have experience with email campaign tools or need a how-to, resources and people are available to help you get comfortable.

  • Volunteers in this group: 

    • help write or proofread articles and announcements

    • solicit articles from others in the Ebenezer community

    • To support the staff in preparing these messages, collaborating with website editors to get articles posted according to our delivery timeline is key.

    • We also need someone to test out all the links in an email before we send it - think of this as our Quality Control job!

    • No experience necessary - Commitment: 2-3 hours a week, on a rotation

For postcards and printed signs

  • When special events or seasons arrive, we may need posters, postcards or signs to announce it. If you have an eye for this type of work, we need your help.

If you’re interested or have questions, please contact Jessica Daniels at


E.C.T Young Adults Group


From the Pastor - February 5