Care for Real Community Celebration

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On behalf of the Care for Real staff and Board of Directors, I would like to invite you to join us for our 50th Anniversary Community Celebration on Sunday, September 26 from 2-5pm.

We would be honored to have representatives from our founding faith communities and distinguished religious leaders at out celebration. We are immensely proud of our roots your congregations have helped shape and how we have evolved to meet the changing needs of our shared community with your ongoing support.

Please join us for this special occasion to acknowledge what we have accomplished together with your support and to celebrate our path forward toward a thriving community where every neighbor has access to healthy, fresh food.

The Community Celebration will be in the style of a Block Party and a brief program will be held at 3/3:15 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you soon! I am incredibly grateful for your continued support and partnership.


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