Easter Dedications
Given the changes to our Easter celebration this year, you have two options for making a dedication for the Easter bulletin!
If you'd like to order one or more tulip, daffodil, and lily plants for the sanctuary filming, please email Nathan at ebenezerbookkeeper(at)gmail(dot)com and indicate the number of plants ($15 each). Plants may be picked up at the Easter Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. communion pickup.
As an alternative, you can make a donation in any amount along with your dedication and we will send it along to Care for Real, our neighborhood food pantry. Your dedication will appear in the bulletin just as if you had ordered flowers.
Dedication information: Please indicate if your dedication is in memory of, celebration of, or thanksgiving for a person(s) or otherwise in your email.
Dedications and/or flower orders are due by noon on March 26th. Thank you!