E.C.T. Confirmation & Final Confirmation Projects

The E.C.T. Confirmation students finished the year by presenting their final confirmation projects to parents, the E.C.T. pastors, and their Confirmation Pals. Students selected one book, character, or story from the bible that sparked their interest and/or relates to something going on in their lives, community, or world. They could explain how this speaks to them and/or to current events through an essay, art, video, poetry, etc.

One youth wrote an essay and shared several ways that the Good Samaritan story applied to people and situations today. Another youth created a graphic novel of the Exodus story. Another youth drew a picture that portrayed how his experience during the Pandemic connected with the story of the 10 lepers who had to be isolated from people and how he could relate to the person with leprosy who was grateful to be reunited with people when he was healed. Another youth compared the four Gospel stories of the Resurrection story.

Each of the confirmands did a fantastic job!


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