Lenten Meditations — Week 6

Welcome to Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Chicago’s Lenten Meditation Series: Week 6 – “Strive for justice and peace in all the Earth.”


Daily prompts:

Wednesday:  How would you define justice? What does it look like in action?

Thursday:  Think of someone you know who seems wise and just. Who is it? What are they like? What have you witnessed them doing or saying?

Friday:  What does peace feel like?

Saturday:  Think of a time when you were in an argument with someone else. Did you find a way to make peace between you? How did that come about?

Sunday:  What is the connection between justice and peace?

Monday:  Do you know someone who has the gift of peacemaking? How do they go about soothing a confrontation?

Tuesday:  What would it look like if all the Earth was at peace?


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