Lenten Meditations — Week 4

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Welcome to Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Chicago’s Lenten Meditation Series: Week 4 — “Proclaim the Good News of God in Christ in Word and Deed.”


Daily prompts:

Wednesday:  What is the Good News?

Thursday:  Think of someone you know who is consistently kind and positive. What kinds of things do they say?

Friday:  Think of someone you know who is consistently kind and positive. What kinds of things do they do?

Saturday:  How do you proclaim the Good News in your own life?

Sunday:  Has there been a time when proclaiming the Good News felt challenging or scary?

Monday:  Sometimes people use the Good News in ways that are aggressive or judgmental. Have you experienced this in your own life?

Tuesday:  What is one thing you can do or say today, that would help spread the love of God?


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