Thank you from Lutheran World Relief

A big thank you to all of our members and friends who contributed fabric for Lutheran World Relief quilts plus school supplies and money to buy supplies for LWR school kits. A special thank you goes to Barb Ketter, who tied a number of the quilts this year. Through everyone's generosity and prayers, we were able to complete 24 quilts and 24 school kits. On All Saints Sunday, November 7, the children and Pastor Michael blessed these items from our congregation.

Just as Dave and I were getting ready to take the boxes of quilts and school bags to a LWR warehouse in Elgin, we got word that our previous donations from 2020 had already found their way to people in need. Our quilts last year were sent to Lebanon, and the school kits went to Honduras. Quilts provide comfort, warmth, and shelter from the elements. School kits often are the only way families can afford to send their children to school.

There is a wealth of information at Lutheran World Relief's website If you would like to learn more about the work of this wonderful organization. School kits and quilts are only two of the many ways LWR serves people all over the world.

Thank you all for your support.

-- Jackie Wood


Facilities Team Update - November 2021


Endowment Grant Applications Open