Welcome Hirut as Office Manager


Hirut Negassi began serving as summer Office Manager on June 8. She will be familiar to many as she was a presenter at an education hour panel on Eritrea a few years ago. She was a tutoring student and has been a tutor in the Tutoring Program since college.

Hirut works in the church office from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. When you need a friendly voice to answer the phone, you will be able to call during those times. Hirut is also the person to contact when you or your committee needs to be on the calendar, change a meeting space, time or make a reservation. Hirut can be emailed at building(at)ebenezerchurch(dot)org.

The committee who managed the reservations is particularly happy to have Hirut onboard. Please help make her feel welcome.


Weekly Liturgy - 06/20/2021


Synod Assembly Report