November COVID Update

November 28, 2020

From Pastor Michael…
Greeting to the Saints of Ebenezer Lutheran Church!
I hope you all were able to enjoy a safe and meaningful holiday. I continue to gain so much encouragement from the ways you all continue to love and support one another and our neighbors in ways small and large. Your prayers and acts of kindness and service continue to show forth the love of Christ in the world.

As we look toward to time of waiting and longing that is Advent, we approach this season with an intensified sense of what it means to wait purposefully. Beginning Dec. 2, Advent Evening Prayer will be posted on YouTube each Wednesday in Advent. We will also be observing a Longest Night gathering on Zoom on December 21.

If you’d like to help with recording Christmas Carols for use in a variety of services and online events, please contact John Elmquist to hear how you can get involved!


Tuesday Time w/Pastor Emily