New Year’s Resolutions or Pandemic Positive Adjustments?

However you want to think of it, Get My People Going can help you make positive changes for your physical, mental or spiritual health.

During this pandemic there is much in our lives we cannot control. But we CAN take control of some things as we seek health and wholeness and support one another. Take the challenge to embrace healthier habits along with others in our community. This program, Get My People Going, encourages you to identify small changes in your life to help you be healthier and feel better. You choose 1 or 2 things you’d like to work on. You set your own goals. Together we encourage each other as we journey together.

Our parish nurse will facilitate check-ins where individuals can share ideas and encouragement. Participants will decide when and how they want to do this. If you have any questions or comments, or want to sign up, contact Marcia Smith (773 743-1831). A happy, healthy new year to all!


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Ebenezer Mental Health Team