From the Pastor - January 31

Greetings Ebenezer Friends,

As January comes to a close, I pray that you continue to remain safe and healthy. The rollout of the vaccines for COVID-19 has been a cause for renewed hope, and also, some frustration for many. It will certainly allow some activities to be modified, as more and more people gain access to the vaccine, but we also know that we are still some months away from any semblance of "normal". Your Council and leadership will continue to monitor changes in reopening guidelines that would allow us to responsibly resume communion pickup or other limited gatherings, even as our online life together will continue.

Last Sunday, we gathered on Zoom for a congregational meeting that continues to bolster my hope for this community of faith. To give the briefest of recaps: This congregation overwhelmingly supported a budget and a philosophy of not only maintaining our ministry in these hard times, but boldly stepping forward in faith. The new continues to fill out and showcase the ways we continue to grow and faith and love by the power of the Spirit.

I fully admit that the meeting last week had me tearing up. You are all a blessing to me and a look forward to seeing you more in person as we are able.

Take good care,

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 01/31/2021


Weekly Liturgy - 01/24/2021