From the Pastor - April 29

Dear Friends at Ebenezer,

As we are continuing to settle back into the patterns of meeting together, we have a number of opportunities in May before our summer rhythms take hold. I'm so grateful to everyone who is contributing to making our life together rich and varied, in and out of worship. Our Holy Week was a wonderful experience and I look forward to welcoming new members and greeting children at the table. Join in if you can!

Welcoming New Members in May - Sunday, May 15

Ebenezer is, at long last, ready to receive new members! If you've been attending and would like to formally join the congregation as a partner in ministry, we'll gather on Sunday, May 15 after morning worship to learn together about life at Ebenezer. We'll receive new members on Sunday, June 5th.

Can't make the orientation session? No problem. Contact Pastor Michael to arrange an online or in-person alternative at

Children's Communion Education Session - Sunday, May 22

Is there a child in your household receiving holy communion, but would benefit from instruction? Or a child ready to begin receiving communion? We'll gather after morning worship on Sunday, May 22 for an education session in the sanctuary. Everyone is welcome!

In peace,

Pastor Michael


LSSO Concert - April 30


From the Pastor - April 15