From the Pastor - August 12

Greetings Friends at Ebenezer,

As August is beginning to slip away, we are looking ahead to restoration of our ministries in the Fall. Consider how you might like to be involved! We need volunteers for many of our ministries and you just may find yourself being called to service in large and small ways, long term or short! We're looking for:

  • Tutors and other volunteers for our reimagined Tutoring program

  • Leaders and helpers in our Sunday School

  • Worship leaders and Choir members... no experience needed!

  • Folks to attend to our building and grounds, all skill levels welcome

  • Ushers and greeters to welcome friends new and old

  • Folks interested in our neighborhood fun fair

  • Small groups members to offer one another prayer and care

  • Hosts for the return of coffee fellowship following worship

  • ... and more! Tell us how the Spirit is calling you!

Together, Ebenezer is moving forward. God is calling us to reach out to our neighbors and friends with the love of Jesus.

In peace,

Pastor Michael


A Lucky Dress


Sunday School Returns September 11th