From the Pastor - December 17

Greetings to the Ebenezer Community!

We are looking forward to welcoming you all in person and online for our Christmas liturgies. A reminder that we will gather in person at 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and 10 a.m. on Christmas Morning.

And a reminder: in lieu of poinsettias this year, we will be lighting votive candles for the liturgies and printing your dedications in the bulletin. Please send your dedications to Nathan at ebenezerbookkeeper(at)gmail(dot)com or use the communication sheet at worship on Sunday. Any donation you can make in lieu of flowers will be forwarded to Care for Real, our neighborhood food bank and resource center.

As we prepare again to welcome the infant Christ into our hearts and homes, I wish you a blessed Advent and Merry Christmas.

In peace,

Pastor Michael


Christmas Liturgy


Advent Devotional - December 9