From the Pastor - December 23

Greetings to the Saints at Ebenezer,

It is no happy task to announce that, due to increasing cases of COVID-19 in Chicago, and a small number of cases in the Ebenezer community, we are suspending in-person liturgies as of today. This includes Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Sunday. Our current plan is to reassess the situation in mid-January.

This decision was not made lightly. I am aware that many have savored the opportunity to worship and sing together again, and rightly so. It is my hope that we can return again soon. But the health of our friends, families, and neighbors requires us to reexamine large gatherings at this time.

I hope you will enjoy an updated version of our Christmas Liturgy from last year online, and I invite you to join us again online January 2nd. Look for information next week about that liturgy.

It is well for us to remember that when the Holy Family showed up to the door of the inn, the shelter they expected was not to be. Disappointment at changed plans is indeed a part of the birth of Christ. But for them, as for us, God provides, and the love of Christ accompanies us to a manger, where love is born anew.

Be good to one another, seek the simple joys, and know that I can't wait to see you again.

In Peace,

Pastor Michael


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Christmas Liturgy