From the Pastor - January 6

Greetings to the Saints at Ebenezer,

Christmas and Epiphany blessings to you all as our celebrations continue. This Sunday, you can look forward to a lively celebration of both Epiphany and The Baptism of Jesus. And beginning Wednesday, January 11, look forward to the return of Worship on Wednesday, a brief and intimate liturgy of Holy Communion as an alternative for busy Sundays. Please do plan to try it out when you can't make it on a weekend; or, just need some spiritual nourishment mid-week.

A special thank you goes out from me to John Elmquist, Dri Rivera, and all our volunteers who went above and beyond for our Christmas liturgies when both I and the boiler were not in the best of health. While I realize holy communion was missed for many, Covid made other plans for me for christmas and your staff ably shifted gears on very little notice. I am deeply grateful.

Finally, look for information in this issue about the funeral liturgy for Jody Kretzmann on Saturday, January 14 at 11:00 a.m. Jody will be dearly missed by many and we hold Ingrid and his entire family in our prayers.

In Christ's Love,

Pastor Michael Fick


From the Pastor - January 13


Prayer Circle