From the Pastor - February 19

Greeting to all our Ebenezer Friends,

Our Lenten journey has begun, and is marked by both opportunities and changes about which I want you to be aware. In order to continue to offer a spiritually grounded experience in this time, our theme for our largely online community for Lent is "Living in the Promises of Baptism." You will experience this theme in our Sunday liturgies, Wednesday Holden Evening Prayer liturgies, and in a series of devotions online. You'll always be able to find the most up to date liturgies and meditations for the season here at Return here often as the offerings will be rich!

Here's a bit more about these opportunities:

  • Each Sunday's recorded liturgy will include a moment of thanksgiving for one of the promises of Baptism.

  • The following Wednesday, Holden Evening Prayer will feature a meditation on that theme.

  • Each Wednesday, we'll provide seven new daily "prompts", a question upon which you can reflect in relationship to the weekly promise, along with a video guided meditation for the week.

  • Online Holy Communion will continue at the start of fellowship hour on Zoom, each Sunday at 11:30 a.m.

  • In addition, Holy Communion pickup at the church will resume on Sunday, March 7, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Sanctuary doors. Limited prayer time in the sanctuary, guided by capacity, will also be available

  • As supplies last, Holy Week and Easter at home worship bags, containing items for those liturgies, will remain available for pickup at those Sunday pickup times

I also want to inform you of an important change on our staff, effective March 1. Derek Stienmetz has accepted the position of Youth and Family Minister at our fellow ELCA congregation, St. John's Lutheran in Wilmette. We celebrate with them the fruitful ministry we have shared together, and the blessing of this new opportunity for both Derek and the people of St. John's. After March 1, all messages sent to building(at)ebenezerchurch(dot)org will be received, for the time being, by a volunteer(s) who will coordinate building usage. Your Facilities Team, Community Hospitality Team, and Council will in the next weeks imagine our next steps with the needs of facilities coordination and scheduling. Derek, we wish you all the best and will miss you!

Blessings to you all in this holy season. May you continue to be strengthened by the promises of Baptism.


Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 02/21/2021


Lenten Meditations — Week 1