From the Pastor - February 26

Greetings during this Blessed Lent,

As we continue to remember Promises of Baptism, remember that there are a number of ways to stay connected in this Lenten season:

  • Sunday Liturgy online each week; with Communion and Coffee Fellowship on Zoom at 11:30; and children's Sunday School at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom

  • Holden Evening Prayer with Guided Meditation each Wednesday

  • Bible Study at Noon on Wednesday

  • Beginning March 7, Communion to Go and available prayer and Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (drop in any time during that window!)

In addition, our Small Groups, Choir, and various Teams continue to meet regularly to help us stay fully woven into this expression of the Body of Christ we call Ebenezer.

Your Council and Staff continue to discern when limited in-person worship can resume. A plan will be proposed at the March council meeting and I'll be sure to update you as soon as the Council has made a decision about moving forward. Rest assured that an online option will continue to be available.

Thank you to all who continue to work so hard to make our ministries happen! And a special thank you this week to Derek Stienmetz who concludes their ministry among us as Building Coordinator and moves on to St. John's Lutheran in Winnetka to direct their Youth and Family ministry.

Take good care,

+ Pastor Michael Fick


Council Welcome - 2021


Holden Evening Prayer - 2/24/21