From the Pastor - February 4

Greetings Ebenezer Friends,

As we prepare again to resume in-person liturgies, know that we will do so attempting to keep ourselves and our friends and neighbors safe. To that end:

  1. If you or someone in your household is unvaccinated, we encourage you to consider viewing the livestream. While we won't be checking cards to be hospitable, please prayerfully consider your choices regarding the unvaccinated.

  2. Masks are required for all, at all times. If you only have a cloth mask, you will be provided with a free disposable surgical mask to place under your cloth mask.

  3. Contact tracing is required for all. Please sign in. This includes worship leaders and choir members.

I look forward to seeing you also online at Saturday's retreat. Even if you haven't registered, you're welcome to attend.

In Christ's Peace,

Pastor Michael


ELCA African Descent Ministries: Celebrating Black History Month


Retreat 2022 Information