From the Pastor - January 21

Ebenezer services and activities will remain online through the month of January

Greetings to the Saints at Ebenezer,

I pray you are all well as we weather what is hopefully the waning weeks of this phase of the pandemic. We continue to use the latest data in our planning for a faithful return to in-person liturgies. If the current trends continue, we remain hopeful to return on February 6th, and will continue to update you as to our plans.

To that end, and in consultation with our guest retreat leader, we will have an all-online day retreat from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 5th. To register, send a message to and we'll send you the link to join in on Zoom. This year, Dr. Robert Saler from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis will lead us through the relevance of Dietrich Bonhoffer and his legacy.

Be well, honor your neighbors, and love one another well. We'll see you soon. And don't forget: Our annual meeting on Zoom is coming up at 11:30 a.m. January 30th. Please plan to attend!

+ Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy 01/23/2022


Prayer Circles Meet Online