From the Pastor - January 28
Greetings to the Saints at Ebenezer!
We have a number of exciting events coming up, please plan to attend!
On Sunday, January 30, our Annual Congregational Meeting gathers on Zoom to hear reports, celebrate ministries, elect Council members, and adopt a budget. It's very important work so please plan to attend!
On Saturday, February 5, our annual Retreat returns for a day session on Zoom with Dr. Robert Saler of Christian Theological Seminary. The Zoom link will be in the Friday enews the day before and all are welcome. Please join us at 9:30 a.m.
On Sunday, February 6th, we plan to return to worship in person at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, with livestream available as well. Please join us, masks required.
Take care and see you soon online and in person!
Pastor Michael