From the Pastor - January 7

Ebenezer services and activities will remain online through the month of January

Dear Friends at Ebenezer,

"We have hardship without becoming hard. We have heartbreaks without being broken.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu

The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu's words spoke to his and his nation's long history of suffering, offering a vision of hope and compassion as the fruits of their experiences. While our current situation is in many ways deeply different from the one to which the Archbishop speaks, his wisdom is nevertheless timeless. In Jesus, he saw that compassion rise from the tomb of hardness and heartbreak. And that good news is ours today as well.

Your dedicated leadership have come to the consensus that remaining online only for worship and meetings for the month of January is our way forward. It is indeed true that this new variant of Covid-19 seems for many who contract it to be both more contagious and less life threatening, especially for the fully vaccinated and boosted. At the same time, our youngest are still without a vaccine, and our healthcare system is increasingly strained. We are hopeful that the numbers will begin to fall in January and a return will be responsible in February.

For the month of January:

  • An online liturgy will be posted each Sunday morning with new content each week.

  • Online coffee fellowship on Zoom will return at 11:30 a.m.

  • Holy Communion will be available for pickup only from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the sanctuary doors.

There is hardship and heartbreak in missed opportunities to gather, and I feel them deeply with you. But we will not become hard or heartless. Gathered in the embrace of Christ, may compassion and love continue to grow in our fellowship.

Take good care of one another,

Pastor Michael


2022 Annual Meeting


Covid-19 Information - January 2022