From the Pastor - July 16

Dear friends at Ebenezer,

Summer is flying by, and I hope you've been able to take time for Sabbath rest in this beautiful time of year. At the same time, it's been such a pleasure to greet more and more of you as you return to worship in person.

Your staff and leadership have determined that, barring any changes in public health guidelines, we will return to live singing and instruments after Labor Day, which is also when our choir will return to rehearsing together in person and leading us in worship in the Sanctuary. This is also when our usual roster of worship leaders will be invited to return to in-person service.

This is joyous news! And at the same time, we've learned over the course of the pandemic that there is great faithfulness to be encountered in a robust online presence. Therefore, we'll begin planning for a good-quality live-streaming/recorded liturgy option to continue online for those who cherish this option.

I cannot thank all who continue to so faithfully contribute their time and talents to our online and in person liturgies enough. Your faithfulness is a balm to us in this unprecedented time.

In Christ's peace,

Pastor Michael


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Weekly Liturgy - 07/11/2021