From the Pastor - July 30

Dear Friends at Ebenezer,

I hope you are enjoying this warm and blessed summer, a time in many ways to reconnect with friends and family in person. It has certainly been a joy to be together in some new old ways this summer at the church.

As we look toward the Fall, your staff and leadership continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit through the wise counsel of Synodical leaders and public health experts. In September you can, barring major changes to this guidance (which are certainly possible with the spread of the Delta variant) expect:

1) Online liturgy to continue, but to experience a change of format that presents well the in-person liturgy for that day.

2) A 10 a.m. liturgy led in person, with live music and singing. We will continue to follow the latest guidance on the wisdom of relaxing masking requirements, both for those leading liturgy and in the choir, and those participating as part of the assembly. It was/is our hope to make masking optional as soon as it is deemed wise to provide that option. We may, as discernment continues, offer both mask-optional and mask-required liturgies. We promise this: To keep you informed as options are continuously re-evaluated.

3) Beginning in September, the option to receive communion in the Sanctuary. However, for those who would prefer, elements to be taken outside or at home will continue to be available as an option.

As with so many aspects of this re-opening process, plans are always accompanied by contingencies. Which is both faithful, and at times, frustrating. I am grateful that this assembly continues to be flexible and conscientious in our unfolding observance of precautions.

Be safe and well in these sabbath days. I hope to see many of you as soon as you are able and comfortable, as Christ gathers us in various and blessed ways.

In Peace,

Pastor Michael Fick


Weekly Liturgy - 08/01/2021


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