From the Pastor - June 4

Dear Friends and Saints,

It has been a month now that we have resumed our in-person liturgy on Sunday mornings, and I am so grateful for the spirit of flexibility and care that this community continues to exhibit. Whether you have made your return, or continue to joyfully praise via our online liturgy, know that the Spirit of love continues to be poured out and you all have my gratitude for your prayers, your continuing contributions of talent and time, and and your patience as new ways forward emerge.

As we enter summer, I'm mindful of the need for Sabbath, even and perhaps especially on this end of what seems for now to be a waning pandemic. Sabbath is the time of rest that follows a long season of creation. And though we were physically distanced, we have had to be nothing if not creative. Creatively parenting, creatively teaching and learning, creatively worshipping, creatively finding ways to spend our time.

Creation calls for rest.

And so, even as we will have plenty to attend to in our lives individual, familial, and communal, I pray for your rest. For the exhale of the breath of God that creates, and then, for a time, is still. Jesus reminds us that the sabbath was made for the people, as an expression of God's care for us and for the earth. So take rest and find mirth where you can. I promise to try to do the same. And when we gather, online and in person, let's commit to giving one another the grace of rest. That we might be refreshed in the Spirit.

Take good care,

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 06/06/2021


Weekly Liturgy - 05/30/2021