From the Pastor - January 23

Greeting to the saints at Ebenezer,

Tomorrow, January 24 at 11:30 a.m., we will meet online for our Annual Congregational Meeting. Access to materials and the link to join the meeting are here, and are available at our beautifully redesigned website, (A special thanks to Jessica Daniels and the Communications Team for their work on the redesign).

It is very important to have as many members participate as possible! We need at least 40 to conduct our business, electing folks to leadership roles, and adopting a new budget. Please plan to attend!

As Chicago has moved to a new phase of COVID-19 restrictions, look in the coming weeks for information regarding the resumption of Holy Communion pickup. We will of course continue our online offerings for those participating from home.

Take good care and see you tomorrow!

Pastor Michael


Spirituality Retreat 2021 - Online


Annual Congregational Meeting 2021