From the Pastor - March 26

Greeting to the Saints at Ebenezer!

Another unusual Holy Week is nearly here, and as I imagine the joy that will accompany our returning to limited gatherings in-person in May, I find there is much richness and depth for us this coming week as we digitally encounter again and anew the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Online liturgies will be posted on each day of our Holy Week and Easter pilgrimage: Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Vigil of Easter, and Easter Sunday. Much work and creativity has gone into these liturgies. I wish to especially thank the entire staff, our volunteer worship leaders, Choir, John Elmquist and Bev Albert, Jessica Daniels and the Communications Team, and Rick Stuckey for faithfully and beautifully allowing us to continue to safely gather on our faith's holiest of days.

Be sure to invite others to participate online and get a taste of the kind of community we continue to be, and the faith in Jesus we so cherish.

Take good care, stay safe, get vaccinated if you are able and if it is safe for you to do so, and I hope to see more of you soon. Christ is with us.

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 03/28/2021


Holden Evening Prayer - 3/24/2021