From the Pastor - May 21

Dear Friends of the Ebenezer Community,

As I am sure you are aware, the revision of CDC guidelines on Friday raised a number of questions about how we gather as both a congregation and a place of hospitality for the Andersonville community and beyond. Having now received updated guidance from the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod and our Bishop Yehiel Curry, here's how life will look for a while as we move into Bridge to Phase 5.

Worship at Ebenezer

While masks are no longer required for gatherings like ours on Sundays, they remain strongly recommended in settings where ascertaining vaccination status is difficult. As a place of hospitality, and in recognition that children are not yet vaccinated, masks will continue to be required at worship services.

Additionally, the Synod strongly recommends that we continue to refrain from group singing at this time. If you wish to quietly join in the Lord's Prayer and responses to prayers, we ask that you be mindful of the forcefulness of your voice in doing so.

Contact tracing and reasonable distancing will remain our practice for the time being.

If you are able, please continue the online reservation system for worship as it is the easiest way to maintain accurate information for tracing.
Our online liturgies will continue.

Meetings and Other Gatherings

City, State, and Synod guidelines continue to strongly recommend masks and distancing for Bridge to Phase 5. All groups meeting at Ebenezer are asked to continue masking, distancing, and keeping a contract tracing log. Groups that are collecting proof of vaccination status may approach the church about other accommodations in the future as the guidance evolves.

We are all eager to reconnect, and I share that eagerness! I am confident that soon, we will be able to further lift restrictions. In the meantime, we continue to be guided by this: That loving our neighbors means being guided by the needs of the most vulnerable person present. Thank you for your continued care and patience.

In Love,

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 05/23/2021


Weekly Liturgy - 05/16/2021