From the Pastor - May 7

Dear Saints at Ebenezer,

I am thrilled to report that our first in-person liturgy, though different than the "norm", was an excellent experience for many that attended. I'm grateful that we can begin taking these small steps to be able to gather in person. You can find out more, and sign up to attend, the in-person worship update at this link or in the weekly Friday e-news.

The in-person worship experience is designed with the most vulnerable attendees in mind. Therefore, while many of us are now fully vaccinated, we will continue to take precautions. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. Hopefully soon, some of the more stringent procedures will be able to be modified.

Thank you for continuing to take good care of one another and our neighbors in so many ways.

In Christ,

Pastor Michael


Ebenezer Seniors Gathering - May 20


Weekly Liturgy - 05/02/2021