From the Pastor - November 26

Greeting to friends at Ebenezer,

As we begin a new church year, we enter the Advent spirit of God's making all things new. Beginning Sunday, November 28, a number of changes are in store that we hope will encourage you in you faith while offering alternatives to keep our community safe and well.

What hasn't changed:

  • Masks are required for all, regardless of vaccination status, at all times. Worship leaders may unmask to speak if they can maintain safer social distance.

  • All our Holy Communion liturgies will offer an option to take communion, proportioned, to be received outside or off-site.

  • Space-sharing groups will continue to mask for their events.

  • Bible Study remains online at noon on Wednesdays on Zoom.

  • Many of the church's groups offer a mix or in-person or online participation.

What's changing:

  • Our 10:00 a.m. liturgy will offer the opportunity to receive Holy Communion during the liturgy. Coming forward to receive a pre-cut piece of bread and small glass of wine or grape juice is optional; elements to take with you will remain available in the narthex entry area.

  • The 5:00 p.m. liturgy returns Nov. 28. Communion will be available to take along following the liturgy, which will be spoken-only for a time, to offer an alternative for those looking for a shorter service with fewer people.

  • Many (but not all) of our Advent and Christmas events are returning this year. Click here for more information.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to make improvements in our live-stream experience. We continue to smooth out the experience! If you can volunteer to operate the livestream equipment and explore videography options, please contact Pastor Michael or Rick S.!

See you soon,

+Pastor Michael


Advent Devotional - December 2


Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters