From the Pastor - December 16

Greeting Ebenezer Friends,

Our Christmas celebrations are nearly upon us! If you're in town be sure to invite family and friends to our Christmas Eve liturgies at 4:00, 7:00, and 10:00 p.m. and Christmas Morning at 10:00 a.m. 

We also gather this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. to commend our beloved Wes Aldridge to eternal life. Please do attend in person or online if you are able.

Finally, be sure to turn up again this Sunday as our Sunday School prepares our hearts and mind for Christmas on this final Sunday of Advent.

Thank you to all who have given so much of your time and prayers to our liturgies this month; a special thank you to the bun baking team for our Lucia Festival. They were a hit! And remember, if you can make an extra donation to our general fund before the end of the year, it would be greatly appreciated.

In Christ's Peace,

Pastor Michael 


From the Pastor - December 23


Outreach Coffee Hour