From the Pastor - October 8

Dear friends at Ebenezer,

For everything there is a season... and we are approaching yet another in the life of our Parish on October 17th. That morning, our choir and live music in the sanctuary will return to our 10 a.m. liturgy. The service will be available as a live stream at 10 a.m. and the recording of the livestream will also be available online later in the day.

However, that means this Sunday is likely the last of the remotely recorded liturgies in the format we have been using for the last 18 months. John Elmquist, Rick Stuckey, our Communications Team, our worship leaders, and the members of our choir, near and far, deserve all the gratitude we can muster for the rich and spiritually nourishing liturgies that have sustained us as a community for so long. I give thanks to God for each and every one of you that have kept us in prayer and praise in this challenging season.

Be sure to join us this Sunday at 12:30 in the courtyard as well for the Blessing of the Pets. Crated or leashed pets are welcome for this brief service of prayer and blessing.

See you soon!

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 10/10/2021


Weekly Liturgy - 10/03/2021