From the Pastor - September 17

Greetings Ebenezer Friends!

What a joy it was to celebrate Confirmation last Sunday for five students who completed the two year program. Confirmation is resuming online and all students grade 7 and up are welcome to participate. Please contact me if you know a new student who would like to attend.

Indeed, many of our ministries, including outdoor Sunday School, are resuming online or in limited in-person fashion. Look in the next two weeks for our October plan as we discuss possible adjustments to worship, music, and gatherings. We are, as always, guided by our Synod's recommendations and public health guidelines.

Additionally, this Sunday we will welcome a Ministry in Context student from our seminary, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Ben Smith will join us for 7 hours per week to learn how a parish works, and to interact with us as knowledge and skills for ministry are developed. Ben is preparing for ordination to Word and Service, as a Deacon in our church.

Take good care and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 09/19/2021


Weekly Bible Study