Preserve The Majesty

Organ Restoration Campaign

Dear Ebenezer Members and Friends -

Our Möller organ was installed in 1964 and has served us well. The important systems within the instrument have a life expectancy of 40 years. We are in year 57. As Pastor Michael likes to say in such situations: this organ doesn't owe us anything. It is a workhorse of an instrument and while it has continued to function, it is past time to attend to its refurbishment. The congregation has made a commitment to the restoration that will be necessary for this organ to accompany Ebenezer's worship for generations to come.

The work will be in three stages, spread out over several years. The first and most important stage has begun and is being accomplished by The Schantz Organ Company from Orrville, Ohio. It involves removing and rehabilitating the 14 wind reservoirs (similar to fireplace bellows). This is the most immediate need the instrument has and will cost approximately $100,000.

While this first stage is the most pressing, there are two more stages to follow which involve removing and refurbishing all the pipes, and then rebuilding the console (the part that sits on the sanctuary floor).  We have been advised by Schantz that once we accomplish this first phase it will buy us up to ten years to plan for the funding of the rest. These next steps will also be quite costly but with prudent planning they can be paid for without undue burden on Ebenezer's other ministries.

So that the work can be done now, the endowment is being used to provide a loan. This is the same funding scheme that was used to pay for the boiler. (Coincidentally, the boiler loan will be paid off in September!)

We are asking for all who are able, to consider financially supporting this work in one of three ways:

  • a one-time offering of any amount designated to the "Organ Fund"

  • establishing a monthly offering in addition to your regular offering designated to the organ fund. The boiler debt will be retired in September 2021. If you have been making a monthly contribution to the boiler fund through Simply Giving, consider continuing it and redirecting it to the "Organ Fund".

  • a bequest in your will to support the future phases of this work.

To contribute please visit: Giving — Ebenezer Lutheran Church.

If you would like more information, contact Pastor Fick (

or John Elmquist (

 For help with Simply Giving, contact Nathan Tolzmann (

 In Christ,

Jenn Cox & John Elmquist

Organ Fund Task Force


Weekly Liturgy - 10/03/2021


Sunday School 2021 Update