Stewardship Kick-off 2021

THANKS to all who have turned in their 2021 pledges!

If you need any assistance with your submission, please contact Nathan ebenezerbookkeeper(at)gmail(dot)com or Bev bkalbert925(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Greetings to you in the name of our incarnate God, Jesus!

Since March 2020, the world has been trudging through the pandemic, and we all are facing situations unlike any other time. We found that some things have stayed the same, some things have been a loss, and some things have led to growth. During this time of uncertainty, Ebenezer continues to lead the way as a place of love and peace and courage.

YOUR PLEDGE - RSVP February 28, 2021

The building is mostly empty, but the work goes on! This year as you consider how you can be a part of that work; we ask that you very prayerfully pledge your financial resources so that Ebenezer stands as the beacon that shines out to the community. We know that some members are experiencing a new financial struggle, so we invite those who are able, to increase your pledge by 10% this year. 

You can complete and send your annual pledge information (download this document) to Ebenezer by mail OR you can email this information as an attachment to Ebenezer at

Especially since we are still not worshipping in person, please consider contributing your pledge via Simply Giving online or with this print-ready form.

  • If you are new to Simply Giving and would like to automate your giving, just use the form above and mail or email to Nathan at

  • If you are already using Simply Giving, you can update information at your Simply Giving account (if you have the information), or contact Nathan at with the following information:

    Sharing Resources

    I plan to contribute:

    ___ Weekly

    ___ Semi-monthly

    ___ Monthly

    ___ In regular or irregular lump sums throughout the year

    Over the course of 2021, I plan to contribute this total amount:  $______ 

    Please provide your current contact information including:






In addition to your resources, we still need you to share your time and talents! Make a commitment to yourself to participate at Ebenezer and at other places that you know need help as we together move onward in 2021. To learn about opportunities to connect and serve, visit the Get Involved page.

Download and complete this Time & Talents Form and KEEP FOR YOURSELF as a reminder of your commitment to help us remain that beacon.

If your mailing address is on file with Ebenezer, you will receive all of this information in a mailed packet.

God’s work. Our hands. 

Your Stewardship Committee,

Bev Albert, Ann Ownby Hicks, Marla Marty

Contact Bev with any questions bkalbert925(at)yahoo(dot)com.


From the Pastor - February 5


Weekly Liturgy - 01/31/2021