Sunday School at Home & Online

Click here for weekly, free Sunday School videos and downloadable materials. In addition, children's bulletins are posted along with the Sunday bulletin each week for our online services, here.

Ebenezer Sunday School Online - Sundays 4:00 - 4:30ish 

Ebenezer uses an All Kids curriculum model. All Kids means that Sunday school meets in one group with ages 4-12 included. Activities are as multi-modal as we can make them considering we're in a Zoom classroom! There's music, storytelling, a short video, and an Art Supply Bag that you can get when you sign up. Please register here. Cost is free, with only a suggested optional donation. After you sign up, we will be in touch to provide you with a Story Bible, an Art Supply Bag, and the Zoom link. Any questions, please reach out to Hope to see you soon!


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