Sunday School 2021

Temporary Schedule

Hey kids!

We are currently meeting OUTSIDE for Sunday school after the 10:00 a.m. worship service.

We're learning and talking about the beauty in this world, and how it has inspired people to tell stories about God's love for all living things. Join us! Lessons usually last about 20 minutes, with a song, a story, an activity, and a prayer.

Coordinators for this year are Aben Cooper, Haley Hansen, and Kris May. We are looking for assistant teacher volunteers to assist in the weekly lesson.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist on selected days, please visit the Sign Up Genius link.

New this year: We are using Sign Up Genius to schedule volunteers. You can choose to sign up for any Sunday; it is not necessary to commit to a complete calendar month.

So, if getting to know the Ebenezer kids and showing them the power of God's love is your jam, please sign up and join us!

Questions, email kristinehmay(at)gmail(dot)com .


Weekly Bible Study


Weekly Liturgy - 09/12/2021