From the Pastor - January 9, 2021

Greetings to the Saints of Ebenezer!

A new calendar year has begun, and in a fashion that I know has given us all pause. The events of this week have been frightening, confusing, and somber as we mourn lives lost and perhaps for some or many, mourn too a sense of hope. It is more important than ever that communities of good conscience, whether they be religious or otherwise, raise our hands and voices to speak for peace, justice, and meaningful reconciliation in the face of hate and division.

I have every confidence in this community's commitment to that vision of God's reign in Jesus Christ that announces hope and peace in a hurting world.

To that end, I'm choosing to meet these days with all the gratitude I can muster. Here are just a few things for which I am thankful:

For our congregation. We continue to rise to the challenges of this pandemic reality with care and creativity. At our congregational meeting on January 24th at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom we will pray, plan, and adopt a budget that reflects our ongoing commitments and values. Please plan to attend!
For the healing and sustaining power of the arts. John Elmquist, Rick Stuckey, Pastor Emily and our kids, our choir, and all who create audible and visual signs of God's reign each week make all the difference!
For all the ways you continue to gather online to sustain one another!
For the gift of the Sacraments. In baptism, we are named and claimed and sustained by God's Spirit. In Holy Communion, we are nourished with the very body and blood of Christ. As we have longed to gather for the meal, pastorally, I feel the time has come to acknowledge that while less than ideal, we need to be nourished again. To that end, online Holy Communion of Zoom will be offered at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays at the start of our fellowship time. Simply prepare you own bread and wine or grape juice, and we will celebrate the sacrament together.
For acts of love and service. For Kris May, Chris Korn, and Karen Miley who have sustained our Sunday School ministry; Pastor Emily and our youth and young adults; for Jes Daniels and her team of volunteers who have labored to bring us a new website later this month; for Norm Dynneson and Dave and Jackie Wood who have expanded our New Neighbors Ministry as need has expanded... and so many more. You all continue to carry our the promise of your baptisms in ways known and unknown.

Together, we will continue to live in the light of Epiphany's promise.

Take care and God bless you all in this new year.
+ Pastor Michael


Weekly Liturgy - 01/17/2021


Weekly Liturgy - 01/03/2021