Update: Modified In-Person Worship Resumes

Beginning May 2, 2021 we will resume a modified, limited attendance in-person worship service.

Sunday Schedule:

10:00 a.m. In-person liturgy (Sanctuary) and Worship video becomes available online

11:00 - 11:30 a.m. Communion Pick-up (Sanctuary)

11:30 a.m. Fellowship and Communion (online)

Before attending in person:

  • Consider if you're ready. We are encouraging those not yet two weeks beyond their final vaccine dosage to consider delaying attendance. The sermon, readings, prayers, and music will be the same, online or in-person.

  • Bring your mask. A well-fitting mask is required at all times for all attendees.

When you arrive:

  • Enter only via the front doors or lift.

  • Get comfortable. To maintain social distance, please do not leave your seat except to use the restroom or for other immediate needs. You can greet others and socialize after the liturgy in the courtyard, if you wish.

  • Gesture peace from a distance. Remember, we're staying at our seats for the time being.

As you depart:

  • Wait for the usher, please. The ushers will dismiss you to avoid congregating indoors.

  • Communion awaits you. Individually packaged communion elements are available in the narthex as you depart. Please feel free to take more to deliver to others.

  • Weather permitting, the courtyard is open. If you'd like to have a conversation with or greet others, please do so in the courtyard.

Remember: Grace abounds! We're all learning to do new things in new ways, and no doubt, we will learn and grow as we go. Let's remember to give each other space: Physical space, and space for grace. Loving reminders to keep masks up, and spaces distanced, are welcome.


Weekly Liturgy - 05/02/2021


From the Pastor - April 30