Restore. Encourage. Rejoice.

Serving the changing spiritual and communal needs of Andersonville since 1892.


Ebenezer is a Christian congregation of people who come from a wide variety of Christian and Non-Christian backgrounds, as well as no formal religious background at all.


We are a Reconciling in Christ community of faith.

In-person Worship with Holy Communion
10:00 a.m. every Sunday and 6:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month

View our online liturgy

As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, we celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals and families in all areas of the Ebenezer community.


Ebenezer is its People.

This community is built on both worshiping God and responding to the call to care for and serve others. Together, we do that in many ways.

Providing Space for Our Community and Neighbors

We believe God calls us to use our God-given gifts to serve the people and world around us. Ebenezer has a number of spaces that are available to the community for concerts, events, and meetings of many sizes - from an intimate setting to large groups for lectures, dancing, sports, theatre and more.

Contributions and gifts from individuals support our activities, staff and programs.