2022 Annual Meeting Recap

Annual Congregational Meeting was held January 30, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom

The meeting was called to order by President Chris Korn at 11:36 a.m. The meeting was held via Zoom Video Conference due to the Pandemic restrictions on in-person gatherings. Pastor Michael led the Congregation in prayer.

The Tellers reviewed the names of participants online and confirmed that the required quorum of members had been exceeded.

After the minutes from the 2021 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously, the agenda for the meeting was reviewed. At that time, the motion to amend the Constitution was tabled to ensure that the required notification period was observed. The proposed amendment, to Section C.13.-02 of the Constitution, is to change the description of the Nominating Committee member term from “nonconsecutive one-year term” to “nonconsecutive two-year term”.

The ballot was introduced for Council members, Synod Annual Meeting representatives and alternates, and Nominating Committee members. Nominations for open positions were accepted from the floor and the final ballot was approved. The slate of candidates was elected by acclamation. (See our Council Members list here)

Treasurer Mike Neff and Finance Team chair, Jim Bedinger presented a summary of the 2021 financial position and the 2022 budget. It was noted that the annual Audit meeting was not held in 2021 due to the pandemic (because the Audit meeting must occur in-person). In discussion, it was noted that 2022 is again a deficit budget and that the uncertainty caused by the pandemic could make the budget predictions inaccurate over the full year. Discussion ensued to clarify program funding and planned endowment enrichment transfers. The budget was approved with a directive to convene a budget meeting in six months to re-evaluate the 2022 budget and adjust as needed.

Pastor Michael provided remarks which acknowledged the challenges and sacrifices of the pandemic. He expressed thanks for the congregation’s adaptability and dependability. He recommended that the congregation review the Book of Reports for a summary of Ebenezer members’ service to the community and the many activities and ministries which continued throughout 2021.

Music Director, John Elmquist provided an update on the Preserve The Majesty project for organ repairs and maintenance. The first stage of the restoration of the organ has been completed, and fundraising has exceeded expectations at this stage. The completion of the first phase has addressed the urgent repairs and provides several years to continue fundraising in order to complete the remaining phases of restoration.

Facilities committee chair, Patrick Donnelly presented a proposal to establish an Emergency Facilities Fund from the Endowment to enable more rapid response to urgent, sudden, and unexpected repairs to facilities. Clarifications were provided regarding oversight of the fund and replenishment process. A motion to the establishment of an Emergency Facilities Fund passed.

Chris Korn thanked everyone for joining and engaging in the meeting discussion. No other items were raised for discussion, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.


Volunteer Opportunity: GirlForward


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