Town Hall: Bring Chicago Home

Over 58,000 people in Chicago were experiencing homelessness before the pandemic even hit. We don’t need statistics to know the depth of this crisis. We see it - or experience it ourselves - every day.

Join us for a community-wide town hall about the Bring Chicago Home proposal on Sunday, March 27th from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.!

Register here: We have virtual and in-person options available.

If we passed Bring Chicago Home, over $100 million annually would go towards ending the homelessness crisis. That money would be generated by increasing the tax on property sales over $1 million, mainly targeting large corporate developers like Lincoln Yards. 

Right now, some city council members and the Mayor are standing in the way of making Bring Chicago Home a reality. We need as many people as possible to show up to put pressure on the Northside Alderpeople who will be in attendance. 

Let's show the Mayor and City Council - the North side wants funding for affordable housing!


2022 Annual Meeting Recap


Prayer Circles Update