April Council Meeting Recap

The Ebenezer Council held their monthly Council meeting on Saturday, April 15 via Zoom. The meeting was called to order at 9:06am. 

There were two Council Members absent from the meeting and Dennis Sall from the Endowment Committee joined as a guest.  The meeting minutes from February and March were reviewed and approved. 

Treasurer Mike Neff gave a Financial Update as to where the Church’s Finances stand compared to the 2023 Operating Budget.  Dennis Sall then presented to the Council the current state of Ebenezer’s Endowment and future projections based on current trends.  Following the presentation, there was a detailed discussion by the Council regarding the Endowment and what could be done to help preserve and grow it. 

Pastor Michael then gave an update as to everything that is currently happening at the Church.  He was pleased with the Holy Week Worship Services and the amount of people that attended each service.  He also thanked the many volunteers who contributed in a variety of ways to help prepare the Church for Holy Week. 

That was followed by a discussion regarding the search for a new Building Manager/Bookkeeper and some of the issues surrounding that. 

The Council then confirmed the third member of the Audit Committee.  Following that, the Council Members gave updates from their respective ministries and teams with whom they liaise on behalf of the council. 

Lastly, the Council discussed what they are rejoicing in, what they are encouraged by and what is restoring them. 

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 13 at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom.  Should you wish to attend, please contact Council President Jim Bedinger at 312-208-1811 or via email at jimbedinger(at)comcast.net.


Event: Financial Wellness Session


National Stress Awareness Month