March Council Meeting Recap

The Ebenezer Council held their monthly Council meeting on Saturday, March 11.

The meeting was called to order at 9:05am with all Council Members in attendance.  Treasurer Mike Neff gave a Financial Update as to where the Church’s Finances stand compared to the 2023 Operating Budget. 

Pastor Michael then gave an update on general goings-on in the church.  He informed the Council that the current Building Manager/Bookkeeper had accepted a full-time position and that the coming week would be their last week of employment (March 13, 2023).  Pastor Michael informed the Council he had begun the search for a replacement. 

The Council then discussed the preparations for Easter and Holy Week.  There was then a discussion about building usage and current building tenants. 

The Council then revisited the various Ministries to determine which are active and which ones no longer meet.  Council Members then gave updates on behalf of the ministry areas and support teams that they serve as a liaison to the Council. 

Lastly, the Council discussed what they are rejoicing in, what they are encouraged by and what is restoring them. 

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 15 at 9:00 AM.  Should you wish to attend, please contact Council President Jim Bedinger at 312 208 1811 or via email at jimbedinger(at)


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