Mental Health Ministry celebrates Black “Lutheran" History Month

1832 Jehu Jones Jr. 1st African American ordained as Lutheran pastor in the United States. 

1977 Rev. Dr. Albert (Pete) Pero 1st African American to earn a Ph.D in theology and 1st African American professor at a U.S. Lutheran Seminary 

1979 Rev. Earlean Miller 1st African American woman ordained in all of Lutheranism in North America. 

1980 Rev. Dr. Cheryl Stewart Pero 2nd African American ordained by Lutheran Church in America (LCA)  

1988 Rev. Dr. Sherman Hicks 1st African American elected bishop of Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA.

1997 Rev. Dr. James Echols 1st President of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) seminary  

2010 Rev. Dr Cheryl Stewart Pero 1st Black woman in ELCA to receive doctorate in New Testament Studies  

2018 Rev. Patricia Davenport 1st African American woman to be bishop in the ELCA  

In Christ the Ebenezer Mental Health Ministry invites your participation and prayers that Mental Health Ministry becomes an integral ministry in the Church, is available in every community and for the elimination of the stigma and discrimination that people living with a mental illness encounter.  Please contact Vikki Ward Martin vwardma(at)aol(dot)com for further information. 


March Council Meeting Recap


February Council Meeting Recap