February Council Meeting Recap

The Ebenezer Council held their monthly Council meeting on Saturday, February 11. At the meeting, three new Council members were welcomed and given a brief orientation about the Council.  

The Council then elected its new Executive Committee members:  

Jim Bedinger, President
Georgian Hadley, Vice-President
Kathy Cooper, Secretary 
Chris Korn, Member-At-Large 
Treasurer Mike Neff and Pastor Michael Fick are also members of the Executive Committee.  

Other Council Members include Tim Johnson, Karen Miley, Ashley Frigerio, Jordan Parshall, and Chris Sweet.  

The Council then approved a new Audit Committee for 2023.  Peter Eckart is the Audit Committee Chairperson and Shannon Huneryager is a member of the Committee.  A third person will be identified and approved at the next Council meeting in March.  

The Council then made Ministry connection assignments. They discussed the Annual Congregational Meeting that took place at the end of January.  Lastly, the Council discussed what they are rejoicing in, what they are encouraged by and what is restoring them.  

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 11 at 9:00 AM.  Should you wish to attend, please contact Council President Jim Bedinger at 312 208 1811 or via email at jimbedinger(at)comcast.net.


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