Good Shepherd Sunday

To the pastors and congregations of the Metropolitan Chicago, Northern Illinois and Central/Southern Illinois Synods:

Dear Siblings in Christ,
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Each year, on the Fourth Sunday of Easter—April 30 this year—the ecumenical church observes Good Shepherd Sunday. Our three synods in Illinois have designated that day as “Good Shepherd/LSSI Sunday,” a day to highlight our church’s caring ministry through Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI).
As leaders in the church and as stewards of LSSI’s ministries, we join together to urge you to observe Good Shepherd/LSSI Sunday on April 30 (or on another date that works better with the rhythms of your ministry setting). 
Each year the generosity of Illinois congregations provides services to tens of thousands of people statewide through LSSI. Together we offer whole person care in a myriad of ways: through mental health counseling, foster care, substance use services, affordable senior housing, services for at-risk families, residential support for adults with developmental disabilities, home care, and programs for current and formerly incarcerated individuals.
These services remain exemplary expressions of our common call to serve our neighbor, in Christ’s name and on Christ’s behalf.
This year we are happy to introduce a new initiative called “Expansion of Our Hearts.” In his book Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life, theologian Henri Nouwen wrote:
“One of the most powerful experiences in a life of compassion
is the
expansion of our hearts
into a world-embracing space of healing
from which no one is excluded…”

Please prayerfully consider asking your members to expand their hearts by giving generously this year to LSSI. Each synod will have $5,000 available from an anonymous donor to match gifts given by congregations and individuals for Good Shepherd/LSSI Sunday.
Thank you for all you do to support the people served by LSSI. Together we are Christ to our neighbor.

In Christ,
Bishop Yehiel Curry  
Bishop Stacie Fidlar   
Bishop S. John Roth     
Mark Stutrud, LSSI president and CEO


May is Mental Health Awareness Month


From the Pastor - April 21